Saturday 5 September 2009

Talking points 6

Saraswati from the Yoga studio has kindly put together these points to combat stress. Yoga of course, is a great way to counteract stress, just a few exercises for even a few minutes a day can make a difference. Saraswati's website is here

A quick look down this list shows you lots of ways to manage your mood, which is of course the goal of mood mapping - putting you in charge of how you feel!

The next meeting of the Tuesday night group Bipolar Association is 8th September and then 22nd

Ways of coping with stress

1 Clear some clutter from life

2 Save time for things you enjoy, not just work

3 Do something creative

4 Have a warm bath if wound up

5 Have a shower if tired

6 Practice breathing to a count of 3 or 4

7 Take short periods of complete relaxation

8 Become aware of situations which cause stress for you

9 Repeat a mantra when going to sleep

10 Work out the root causes that repeatedly cause stress, do they still apply

11 Confide with close friends, talking helps release stress and lets you see things more objectively

12 Learn self massage or have or give a massage

13 Learn a mantra to repeat silently use in stressful situations

14 Realise you have a choice in how you act, speak or think, take a moment before acting in stressful situations to think about the consequences of your actions

15 Use some music to relax you

16 Do some physical activity when very wound up, work stress out of your system

17 If possible find something absorbing to concentrate on ie a good book or film

18 Train your mind into thinking positively about yourself and your life

19 Practice yoga postures, breathing exercises, relaxation or meditation daily even 10 minutes

20 Treat yourself, look forward to your treat and remember it when you are under stress

21 Try to avoid letting too many stressful situations build up in your life over a short period of time

22 Gradually cut down on stress inducing “crutches” ie tobacco, caffeine, alcohol

23 Slowly build up a sound nutritious daily diet; lack of proper nutrients creates stress in the body

24 Experiment with vitamin and mineral supplements, you may be lacking something

25 Do not try to change your life overnight: every change causes stress

26 If you are in a relationship / job / situation that causes great pressure and makes you miserable try to find ways to improve it. If all else fails leave!

27 Make sure you have enough sleep, you should not need an alarm to wake you up

28 Eat regularly, being hungry puts the body into a state of panic

29 Check your posture often, holding muscles tense unnecessarily causes stress

30 Avoid situations / people that make you feel stressed, be more assertive

31 Learn to appreciate yourself and believe that you can achieve fulfilment by taking life gently; peace of mind comes through relaxation not worry


Below are types of unhelpful thinking that lead to worry and create an uncomfortable internal world. When noticing any of the following start three three breathing. As soon as possible put alternative kinder thoughts in your mind. It might help to ask yourself “What would a contented person think in this situation? What would I think in this situation if I were feeling really well right now?”


Taking the blame

This involves taking responsibility for something when it is not yours eg “he was really angry I wonder what I can do to make it better?” – not your problem!


This involves believing that you know what other people are thinking eg “she thinks I am fat/thin/ stupid. He doesn’t like me”

Discounting the positive

This involves rejecting good things as if they did not count eg “She only said that to make me feel better. He was just being polite. Or anyone can do that”

Emotional Reasoning

This involves mistaking feelings for facts eg I know everyone can see how I am feeling inside. Or I am angry inside so it must be someone’s fault


This involves believing one thing going wrong is a total disaster “everything is ruined” “I will never be able to show my face again”


This involves assuming that because things went badly once they always will eg spilling a drink at a partly means you are “always clumsy”. Or failing to see a joke mean that you are always stupid or dumb

Predicting the future

This involves thinking things such as “I will always be on my own” “I will always be shy”

Labelling or name calling

This involves being mean to yourself eg thinking “I am useless/ stupid / ugly. Other people are horrible / hostile / superior”

Wishful Thinking

This involves supposing things would be better if they were different eg If only I were more attractive / wittier / enlightened / famous / rich / etc

Taking things personally

This involves supposing that some body else’s actions were directed at you personally eg When someone looks distracted while you are talking, assuming it is because of you


  1. Absolutely spot on.

  2. I agree, I see myself doing many of the negative things in this list at times. Excellent information. Thanks!


Hi, Thanks for your comment and I look forward to reading it