Monday 10 August 2009

Talking Points 3 - Postnatal Bipolar disorder

believe the key to overcoming depression, whether it is postnatal or due to other causes, is to treat it as a form of exhaustion, either physical or emotional, or both.
Self Management needs to look at surroundings, physical health, supportive relationships, good coping strategies and being able to express yourself and be at ease with who you are. 
The simplest easiest change to make is to start taking omega 3s 2gms a day. Once you start to feel better from that it gets easier to take the next step. 
The most important part of coming off medication is to get yourself right first and then to do it slowly - see  "Coming off medication" 
Bipolar disorder is essentially unstable and or extreme moods. The basis of mood management is to manage moods while they are still only small swings and by a healthy lifestyle build in resilience
Many thanks for your support
With best wishes



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